DeConstruct - Title Screen

DeConstruct - Title Screen

Instructions Screen

Instructions Screen

Opening Level Scene

Opening Level Scene

Dynamite & Scraps

Dynamite & Scraps

Lava and Water Hazards!

Lava and Water Hazards!

Respawning Bots

Respawning Bots

Winning Screen

Winning Screen

Cast, Crew & Props
By: Nick Springsteen!

Cast, Crew & Props
By: Nick Springsteen!


Global Game Jam 2022 - Theme: Duality
Art by Nick Springsteen
Programming by me, Gregory Xavier

Challenge your friends and race to the finish in a high stakes bot racing game! One player controls a bot that utilizes its destruction skills to blow its way through to the finish while the other player gather and builds its way to the end! Construction zones not dangerous enough for you? With some secondary Duality, we've added lava and water to sweep those bots out of existence! Now that's the Duality of Dualities!

To play our game, open the following link, download the executable files at the bottom, unzip the folder and then open the executable.

Project Link:

More artwork